2.0 Million Hits

  1. Nice site. If you have a chance go check out the Nigadoo river. I grew up next to it and there is a gorgeous waterfall.
    Here are the instructions on how to get there.
    Take exit 321 on highway11

    Turn left on rue du Moulin
    After 2 km there will be a department of transportation garage to on the right side of the road.
    Along the western fence there is a trail heading north
    Take that trail and follow it to a 4 corner junction
    Turn left at the junction
    follow the trail that goes to the right you will eventually reach the river.

    Two spots exist there are some cataracts but if you head down river there is a waterfall about 600m east of the cataracts


  2. half a million hits …Conrats ..I am sure there will be alot more with the feature I read on the globe and mail website http://www.theglobeandmail.com/books/wet-and-wild/article1282180/
    Nice to see your book depicting Our Province go National !!!