Thank You & Email Address


  • This is a great site Nick, thanks for letting me know about it. I’ll be passing it on to other science teachers in the district.
    I’ve sent you an e-mail re. Odell Falls. Best contact person and a lead on some maps. If you need a place to stay or someone to tag along let me know.


  • This a great compilation and I plan to visit a few of these falls this summer. Have you seen the falls on the North branch of the Naswaaksis stream? It is on private property located at the end of Corey street on Mcleod Hill near Fredericton. On a calm night I can hear the roar of the falls at my home which is about 2Km from them. Thanks for creating this site.


  • Thank you for this incredible site! My brother took me on a road trip this summer, where we looked at millponds and water falls (including Gibson and Jackson Falls). Your descriptions really help to make the places come alive. I can’t wait to return next year to see Hays Falls. Great job!

  • Hi
    Was able to get three more yesterday. Ww hit Falls Brook Falls at a perfect time. With al the rain we had it was fantastic. There’s a short video clip on my blog.


  • Thank you for opening my eyes to the beauty of New Brunswick!

  • Lovely pictures of the picture province. one falls you might not know about is in victoria county near birch ridge which is near arthurette. It was originally called Robertson Falls but now more people call it Maggies Falls. It cascades down about 100 feet over a distance of 300 feet. During spring it is quite a sight. Dale Hitchcock has a camp above the falls and he has a gate on the road. It is about a mile walk into the falls but well worth the effort. Dale would be more than agreeable to open the gate if one was visiting the area and had a problem walking. Many locals take grad pictures and family photos there. Terry Shaw

  • Thanks for these photos. I have a list I’ve compiled from my kayaking and canoeing trips. I’d send it on to you if you’d like.


  • Your site is exactly what I was looking for when I searched for “NB Waterfalls”. I myself am a waterfall enthusiast, and just love nothing more than to go off hiking in search of new falls. There is just something so magical and powerful about them and their surroundings. Thank-you so much for taking the time to create such a site, and encouraging people to appreciate our local natural beauty. I have been to many of the falls featured already, however, I am pumped to get out there and locate the ones I haven’t.

  • Have you ever heard of waterfalls on the Nashwaaksis Stream in the area of the Royal Road outside Fredericton? I don’t know if it’s below or above the road. I’ve seen old pictures of these falls, which are quite large, but I’ve never seen them myself.

  • Thank you for a great website! I had no idea there were so many waterfalls in New Brunswick.
    Every summer friends of mine from school and I get together for day-trips around the province. It’s just our way of staying in touch with each other since we’ve graduated. We’ve been to Howland and Hayes falls and really enjoyed them. Now with the help of your web page we’ll be able to visit other falls this summer.
    I can hardly wait.

  • Nick, I am also from Dalhousie originally, I am a New Brunswick history buff and a NB geography nut. I have driven every provincial road in NB and many unnumbered ones as well. I am now interested in visiting the falls and rivers and natural features of our great and beautiful province. I was very pleased to find your site, I plan on using it to discover more of NB this summer.

  • Nick,

    My apologies, I see that on the map book that it is mentioned as the 605, so please ignore my previous email, the important part is for the directions to match the mapping.

  • Thanks for the outings in the last two days. It was very nice to meet you and I appreciate you bringing me with you to Benjemin River Falls. It was a blast. looking foreward to your shots. Larry

  • Nick,

    First of all congratulations on your outstanding book ,depicting many of the waterfalls that grace our province.
    I want to thank you for including me in many of your treks to the numerous waterfalls we have visited over the last couple of years.
    I took a couple of hours tonight and went thru your soon to be released book ..outstanding work ,your photos and research into the countless waterfalls is methodical and truly amazing!!
    This book will open up peoples eyes to the beauty of our province of New Brunswick!!
    I am honoured and humbled to have befriended such a great ambassador to the “countless wonders” of our amazing little province New Brunswick!!
    Till our next trek

  • Your web-site is absoutely beautiful!! Thanks for sharing! I have posted a few comments on the Falls I visited while trail riding with my horse, Dykes Falls, JonesMill Fall and Ragged Ass Falls. I definatley want a copy once your book is published. Your details and directions are perfect and I am going to go discover 2 or more before winter arrives. You certainly know how the camera works!! Thanks Nick for such a beautiful montage!
    Denise Lemay

  • I was happy to find this site. I had no idea New Brunswick had so many waterfalls! I am looking forward to buying the book and telling all my friends.

  • hello nikky

    how are you i am married to gilles goupil

    have you ever heard of secret falls in charlo

    supposely beautiful you have to come to one point

    which i don t know the name but i will get it from

    charlo dam you have to drive approx 20 min

    then walk up the river for 30 to 45 min in which

    you need to protect your equipement in a waterproof

    because the footing in very slippery i have one newfew

    that went a few time this summer and they are beautiful

    you have beautiful photos of falls

    you re truly louise goupil dalhousie

  • What a gift you have given New Brunswickers (and their visitors)! We knew nothing of your site until we saw the article this weekend in the Globe and Mail. Now we have all sorts of lovely expeditions to look forward to, and really appreciate the details, including difficulty (no longer being young and agile). We shall definitely be buying your book and giving it as gifts as we’ve already done with Robin Hanson’s on the Oromocto watershed.
    We can all now look forward to rain making these falls even more beautiful!

  • Nick I picked up your book,the photography is simply beautiful,it would make a great gift idea for anybody. I note that you also have a field guide out, where can i get one.



  • Nick: There is a nice falls located on a brook near
    Chipman. I saw them when I was a kid (about 50 years ago).
    I believe the name back then was Silver Falls. It is
    located on the upper reaches of Mill Brook or Chase Brook
    near the community of North Forks. I believe it is
    accessible by back roads close to the site. You could
    probably get more info from the locals. Thought I would
    mention it. Your waterfall book was great.
    Gary West, Box 2535, Saint John, N. B. E2L 4S8.

  • Nick,i am really enjoying your photo off waterfalls N.B. I also would like to thank you for the presentation in Grand Falls. I am retired and love photography i can’t wait for you to be back in The Madawaska county to explore one Waterfall that is missing on your list.

  • Beautiful talk and presentation in Bathurst today Nick. Very enjoyable. Check out my photo on Flickr today. I put the link to your website on there for others to see. Thanks again, a very enjoyable day. Larry

  • got this book for as a christmas gift. I just love it! where could I purchase more books? tks

  • I LOVE your book so much! I am a huge waterfall lover ever since I was a kid. Your book and site are magnificent. I enjoy them very much! Keep at it!

  • Good morning, we spoke at Christmas at the Colisium. We had the display up not to open the Causeway and polute 23kms of fresh water. You had told me that you would put a link on your site to ours. Just wondering if you were still interested in doing this. I feel it would help our cause. Thank you for your time, your site is great and your book also. When are you printing your second book? Tks. Glen Rogers 387-8356 Riverview N.B.

  • Thank you so much for this wonderful compilation of New Brunswick Waterfalls. I am an Avid Falls hunter, and it is something in nature that I can share with my family. It has been a difficult trek for me to locate falls, having to use water way maps etc. But this site generates great ease in locating waterfalls to visit and enjoy in nature their majestiny with my family.


  • I have some photos of a little known falls on the South East Upsalquitch River, Just before the Murry brook and Ramsey Brook join in , This is by the old Third gate about two kilometers north west of simsons field. If your up in the Spring or Summer give us a call, And we will point you in the right direction. If you give me your e-mail address , I will e-mail you a few photo, Not professional ones, But It will give you an idea of how nice it is. This was a logging river.

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