Water Falls Details: The Dunbar Falls is a favorite for many people in York County especially those living in the Durham Bridge area. The falls are actually on the Seymour Brook which flows into the Nashwaak River at the Dunbar Pool. The complete brook drops on one edge about 3 meters, like a mini Niagara Falls. The Tinkettle & Seymour Brooks flow into the Dunbar Stream several kilometers up from the falls. The Dunbar Brook is named after George Dunbar, a loyalist who received a land grant in 1783. The Maliseet name for the brook is Kulloosisik “Eagles Nest”.
From Fredericton, take Route 8 and continue along past the Durham Bridge (on your right). For those not from the area, this portion of route 8 follows the Nashwaak River. Approximately 1 km past the bridge is a stone bridge over the Seymour Brook. There is parking on your left hand side (driving north) just before the stone bridge.
Find the trail heading down to brook’s edge and follow it upstream about 600m to the falls. It’s a nice trail in the summer but it is very soggy in the spring falls, it has many small brooks crossing it as they tumble into the Seymour Brook and there are opportunities for great pictures.
Trip Details: I visited the Dunbar Falls for the first time in the spring of 2007 and was unsure of its exact location. Instead of parking by route 8, I decided to drive up to the top of the side road and parked. I could hear a stream on my left and walked over into the woods to a small stream cascading down into a valley, so I decided to follow it. Along the way I was surprised by the screech of an owl sitting high in a pine tree, just over my head. Continuing to the bottom of the creek, I met two fishermen, trying their luck in the Dunbar. They informed me that the falls was about 300 meters further up.
Upon reaching the falls I was pleasantly surprised by its shape and how the entire width of the river just dropped. I snapped several pictures and then sat on a rock to enjoy a lunch, take in the ambiance and the falls. I intended on staying longer but was chased out of the woods by an incoming rain storm which soaked me before I reached the car. Besides the falls taking a picture of the owl was highlight. I made a note to carry along a raincoat in the future.
On my second visit to the Dunbar on Friday May 16th, I used the trail starting from the parking area at the Route 8. The trail was wet in places but over all very passable. There was plenty of trash on the trail taking away from the walk. I met three people fishing at the base of the falls.