Waterfalls Details: Fall Brook Falls are reputed to be the highest in New Brunswick. With a 30 meter drop at a slope of 90% it is simply beautiful. Don’t be fooled by the size of Fall Brook as you follow the path, the brook maybe small but when it falls over a 30 meters it is quite impressive.
At Boistown, take Route 625 (Parker Ridge) off of Route 8 for about 4 km then turn right onto the Bloomfield Road, continuing on crossing over the Southwest Miramichi River towards Holtville. There is a sharp right hand turn at the junction of this road and the County Line Road. Follow straight on the County Line Road until you come to the Irving Forestry gate. Once there the gatekeeper will let you through and give further directions to the falls once you have paid $10. Drive approximately 16 km on a woods road which is very well maintained. You will cross over the Salmon Brook bridge but continue on to the second bridge. This is the Fall Brook bridge.
The access road to the falls is about 100 meters before the bridge on your left hand side. You can drive all the way to the junction of the Southwest Miramichi and Fall Brook, but the road is very steep. There is a parking area just before the steep pitch. The 500 meter trail leading to the bottom of the falls is maintained with foot bridges built in areas where one must cross the brook.
Visit Details: I have been to Fall Brook Falls in the spring of 2002 during a canoe trip down the Southwest Miramichi and always wanted to revisit. On Friday, May 16, my friend Bart Myers and I decided to visit the falls. The road in from the Irving Forestry gate is in very good shape. We decided to park at the top of the hill leading down to the brook because we were unsure of its condition further down. We walk down to the trailhead leading up along the brook. The trail is still snow packed in places, forcing us to bushwhack around and over trees. The reward was well worth the effort.
We spent 30 minutes taking in the beauty of this area. The only sound besides the roar of the falls was a Grey Jay (Gorbie) screeching at us from high up in a pine tree. You have to visit Fall Brook Falls to truly appreciate this special place. I hope these pictures give you an indication of how spectacular Fall Brook Falls are.